Tuesday 15 February 2011

Hot Shit!!!

Hey guys! So I've recently discovered the most amazing bands ever...you may have heard of them, maybe you haven't. but anyways they're amazing and stuck in my head the entire day so i decided to share them with you:

1) Plastiscines- a french female rock band who perform mostly in English

2) Rise Against-an American punk rock band

3) Telepopmusik- a French electronic music trio

4) Late Night Alumni-a US house group.

5) Sum 41-a Canadian rockband.

I assure you guys that these bands are freaking amazing!!!
Absydoodlesss <3>

Saturday 27 February 2010

What's in this season?

Okay,this year I've suddenly had some strange fashion obessesion.
so here are a few things that are in this year(not only according to me):
*Tribal; next time you go out, get gutsy and leave the house carrying a totally down-to -earth tote or necklace. maybe you'll get the vibe I'm aiming for from these pics.





if that doesnt really work for you...try:
*destroyed-this style isn't emo or goth like people make it our to be.to me,it's actually a really strong statement in fashion. so be spunky, and dare yorslef to wear ripped up leggings, a bleached mini skirt, etc. examples:




those were my favorite styles this year :) but I also like preppy and eceltic..<33
hope u enjoyed, got inspired whatever..

Friday 8 January 2010

New Yrs :)

now that a new year has started-i'm going to create a new me!does that sound corny?oh well corny is fun :P heres a list of things I expect from myself:
1) new style-a)instead of continuing my preppy look,maybe i should go for punk..
b)im sick of wearing my hair out all the time,im gonna start with braids updos etc.
2)ive always wanted to be a writer and i never actually finish my pieces.this year-i will!
3) get good grades!!!ahhh i just got my history test back and the resultd are....a 38!and i studied fot it :( 2nd semester is starting in 2 weeks and i intend to actually start listening in class!
4)clean my room out!i have tons of clothes and i just cant bear to give them away...im gonna get some of my friends together(the organized ones)and theyre gonna have to force me to give them away.
5)join some clubs.i started taking aerobics for teens :) and im looking for photography afterschool programs..i quit hiphop but looking for a different dance class.
6)try out some new things with my friends when we hang out-amusement park,iceskating etc.
7)actually continue writing on this blog!sometimes i get bored and cant think of anything to write but this year thats gonna change!
comment below on what you want to change for the new year and gimme more ideas!!!
ps-usually i dont get comments but its just fun writing random things!kind of like a diary!hehehe but seriously comment

Thursday 17 December 2009


hey.did you guys know there was a site called cheese.com?i just found out today.and i learned many things.about cheese.yup-cheese. cheese is a nutricious food(not 2 mention fatening) and it's made mostly from the milk of cows,but other animals too(e.g. yaks,goats,reindeer)

about 4000 years ago, people began to breed animals and process their milk. that's when the cheese was born. There's always that question that cheese luvers(like myself) always ask: Is Cheese fatning or not?

Answer: It relies on the cheese and how it is made. If the cheese contains whole milk has more calories than cheese with skim milk. Cheese is really high in calcium,and Parmesan cheese has the most.

Even though cheese is fattening-I will still eat it and enjoy it and not even stop to think about how many calories it contains.Because I can't really enjoy life if i have to count how many calories are in each meal, can i?Tell me what you think about cheese down below.

bye cheese luvers(and haters,if i must acknowledge them)


Wednesday 16 December 2009


BLOG.that's a strange word.its like BLOG.reminds me of cows.right blog reminds you of MOOOOOOOOO?ITS SOOO LONG.so think about it.BLOG.What is wrong with that word?Whoever made up that word has a very creative mind.If you made up this word of if you have any other words you made up-please share below.
Words my friends and I made up:
and MORE...
BLOG.just think about it and comment below.BLOG.BLOG.BLOG.B-U-L-AW-GUHH.Is it annoying you yet?.........
how about now? BLOG BLOG.
I luvvv my blogggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Sexual Harrasment in the Arab world

So today is a bit more serious topic.
Sexual harrasment is obviously not okay,and I've read it's been happening a lot in the Arab world. Apparently, the women there are used to the harrasment because it happens very often.Some don't even go to public places anymore, afraid they'll get sexually abused.It doesn't matter what they're wearing-chances are they will get sexually harrased.The laws in the Arab world don't punish the evil-doers!And some women don't even report it!We have to take a stand and not let this happen to others.If the goverment won't help them, they must help themselves.And the answer to it is simple: Take a self defense class. The women must learn to protect themselves, and not let the men push them around. They can't let people think that they are pathtic, help less creatures who lean on the government to help them. Even though the female race is less powerful then the male race, we could learn to be strong!
So think about that today, then comment below to voice your opinion about the world.

Sunday 13 December 2009


hellooo :P

so todays topic is...BRANDNAMES.

what i dont get is why people are so attracted to places like abercrombie,hollister,aeropostale and such if all your doing is advertising their store.I mean,your paying a heap of money to have their name on your shirt-so yes basically you're paying them to advertise thier company!you don't see target, TJMaxx, or Delia's printing their names in big bold letters on their shirts!Sometimes, the things are so much cuter when you don't have a company's name written on it..think about it.why do you buy from brandnames?because your friends do?if so,why do they buy from the brandnames?of course,the brandname stores may be better quality,but sometimes they arent...then again some brandnames have cute clothes -but they still have their names written all over them.Tell me what you think-comment below.